What Would Love Do Here? A Poem

What Would Love Do Here? A Poem

This poem is about taking accountability to view life, life’s obstacles, hardships and prejudices, through the eyes of love. When we view any situation through love, we free ourselves from the dark — the choice is always ours. Perhaps a timely reminder… What would...
7 Ways Gratitude Brightens Our View

7 Ways Gratitude Brightens Our View

Have you ever noticed how we are influenced by what we choose to focus on? The thoughts we think, beliefs we hold and lens we view life through, all shape our reality. Imagine what might change for us if we viewed our lives through the lens of gratitude on a regular...
Open Your Heart to the Blessings Around You

Open Your Heart to the Blessings Around You

It can be tricky to stay focused on all that is right in the world. It becomes even more challenging with the constant stream of information persuading us to focus on everything that is wrong. We are continually inundated with messages that put the spotlight on fear,...
How to Honour Your Inner Voice

How to Honour Your Inner Voice

“Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.” – Walter Anderson We all travel down paths that teach us great lessons and wisdom…this story shines light on my journey of...