Look On The Bright Side

Look On The Bright Side

How do you feel when you look on the bright side of a situation? What changes for you when you decide to see others for who they truly are, and stop focusing on their qualities that drive you mad? There is an abundance of light and dark in our world and we get to...
Appreciating What Is

Appreciating What Is

How much time in a day do you spend appreciating what is before you? Do you notice the magnificence in your surroundings and the people around you? As human beings we are so blessed to have the ability to choose what we focus on and what we take in. We can choose to...
Create Magic in Your Life

Create Magic in Your Life

When was the last time you engaged your imagination to dream up something really wonderful in your life? We are all creators. Each day we get to wake up is a gift – it is our opportunity to create magic in our lives. We choose how we receive life and how we...


The natural beauty and power of the ocean can serve as inspiration to stay grounded in who you truly are. It also has a way of evoking gratitude for the many blessings and miracles there are in life. At some point during your life’s journey, the seas may get stormy....