How to Stand in Your Power and Stop Giving it Away

How to Stand in Your Power and Stop Giving it Away

What does it take to stand in your power and why is it important to stop giving it away? Living your life from a place of personal power can come across as an overused statement to entice people to adopt a win at all costs kind of mentality. I believe it is really...
Open Your Heart to the Blessings Around You

Open Your Heart to the Blessings Around You

It can be tricky to stay focused on all that is right in the world. It becomes even more challenging with the constant stream of information persuading us to focus on everything that is wrong. We are continually inundated with messages that put the spotlight on fear,...
Owning Our Stories is a Liberating Way to Live

Owning Our Stories is a Liberating Way to Live

I had the opportunity to take part in a pottery workshop where we handcrafted a clay herb pot. I don’t consider myself much of an artist per say. I did however love getting my hands dirty and generally find creative endeavors of any kind enjoyable. During the class,...
This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass Have you ever stopped what you are doing to listen in on the stories being spun in your mind? Have you ever considered that perhaps whatever intense feeling you may be experiencing in the moment is meant to be just that – an experience? Instead of...