How Do You Do Self-Care?

How Do You Do Self-Care?

How do you do self-care amidst the many things going on in your life? Different stages of life can feel fuller and busier than others. It is often during the most hectic parts of life that we need to adopt a self-care practice the most. Many of us can relate to the...
Choosing a Daily Self-Care Practice

Choosing a Daily Self-Care Practice

What might change if you started each day with a self-care practice? Each morning is an opportunity to start fresh and begin a daily practice of our choosing. Regardless of circumstance, we have our spirit, our mind and our values. With those things firmly in place,...
The Value in Letting Go

The Value in Letting Go

I had the opportunity to experience my first hot air balloon ride. Unlike skydiving , which is exhilarating beyond measure ,  I found hot air ballooning to provide a level of peace and tranquility I never imagined possible. Floating through the sky at an elevation of...

Break Free From Perfectionism

“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself” -Anna Quindlen It isn’t easy to loosen the grip on the controls of life. Couple that, with having a real honest look at yourself,...