Mindful Living

Here you will find articles and inspiration for stepping into your own unique version of mindful living.


How to Use the Art of Detachment to Stop Taking Things Personally

Here are a few ways I use the art of detachment to stop taking things personally, especially when I feel…

2 years ago

How to Embrace Alignment and Be in the Moment with What is Real

Experiencing greater presence and alignment in our daily life may sound like an abstract pipe dream. And there isn’t a…

3 years ago

The Power of Setting an Emotional Intention: Why my word for 2022 is embrace

Have you considered creating an emotional intention for the new year? It’s never too late to set an intention for…

3 years ago

3 Ways to Actually Enjoy the Doing Part of Your Day

These 3 strategies will help remind you to take one step at a time and experience more presence while you…

3 years ago

The Easiest Way to Reset Your Mindset to Thrive

Next time you find yourself ready for a mindset reset, give these 3 gratitude practices a try and see what…

3 years ago

Happy Solstice

A Winter Solstice poem about why it's important to slow down and take in the quiet of winter.

4 years ago

We Can Disagree, Without Being Disagreeable

Here are some simple reminders I turn to as a way of remembering it’s possible to disagree, without being disagreeable…

4 years ago

Leaning in to Your “Now” Normal

Here are a few ways to shift your focus from resistance to acceptance, and lean in to your new normal…

4 years ago

What Our Assumptions Say about Our Blind Spots

Or, how I wasted three hours of precious alone time worrying.

4 years ago

How to Talk Yourself into a Feel-Good Day

It may seem counterintuitive, but feeling our best takes practice. I practice. In nitty gritty terms, I set myself up…

5 years ago

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