7 Ways Gratitude Brightens Our View

7 Ways Gratitude Brightens Our View

Have you ever noticed how we are influenced by what we choose to focus on? The thoughts we think, beliefs we hold and lens we view life through, all shape our reality. Imagine what might change for us if we viewed our lives through the lens of gratitude on a regular...
Inspired Conversations Radio Show

Inspired Conversations Radio Show

I’m excited to join Best-selling Publisher and Host Linda Joy on the Inspired Conversations Radio Show on the #OMTimes network. My episode “Living From the Inside Out: A Journey to Truth and Authenticity” will air on Linda’s #Inspired Conversations radio show on...


The natural beauty and power of the ocean can serve as inspiration to stay grounded in who you truly are. It also has a way of evoking gratitude for the many blessings and miracles there are in life. At some point during your life’s journey, the seas may get stormy....
Do More of What Makes You Happy

Do More of What Makes You Happy

Sounds simple enough: Do more of what makes you happy. Perhaps it sounds simple because it can be when we allow it to be. When we give ourselves permission to feed our passions and do the things that make our hearts sing, life has a way of presenting us with the next...
Illuminating The Path

Illuminating The Path

“When we shine a light on what is already going well, we illuminate the path.” – Emily Madill When we shine light on what is going well, it has a way of shifting our perspective and providing hope and ideas for next steps on the path to our dreams, goals and desires....