Emily Madill’s Collection of Empowerment Articles

Emily Madill is an author and certified professional coach with a BA in business and psychology. She is Thrive Global’s Editor-at-Large, has published 11 book titles, and offers 1:1 coaching. Her Weekly Inspiration newsletter is enjoyed by people in 22 countries.

Free Your Spirit, Self-Love, Joyful Habits, Adventure, Freedom, Love, Peace, Emily Madill, Life Coach, LovingLife
May 23, 2016by Emily Madill

Free Your Spirit

How free is your spirit? Do you let it show for others to enjoy, or do you keep it safe and share it only with a select group of people? Imagine what it might feel like to give yourself permission to be yourself in all of your...

Enjoy the Little Things, Embrace Life, Keep it Simple, Joyful Habits, Life Lessons, Embrace Life, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
May 17, 2016by Emily Madill

Enjoy the Little Things

What brings you joy? What if everything we want, is already right in front of us? Could all of the searching and striving we do be causing us to miss the point of it all?...

Connection, The Gift of Connection, Love, Self-Love, Humanity, Connected, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
May 13, 2016by Emily Madill

The Gift of Connection

Do you choose to connect with others or disconnect? Do you connect to your own inner spirit, or do you distract yourself away from listening to the soft voice of your inner truth? Unless we live in absolute seclusion, there will always...

Beautiful Mind, Mindset, Inner Peace, Thoughts Become Things, Joyful Habits, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
May 4, 2016by Emily Madill

Create a Beautiful Mind

What sorts of thoughts do you fill your mind with? Imagine setting out to create a beautiful space in your mind – a space that’s filled with thoughts of joy, and void of thoughts that cause suffering. What we think about on a...

Share Your Light, Empower, Compassion, Kindness, Give, Humanity, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
April 28, 2016by Emily Madill

Share your Light

How do you share the essence of who you are with the world? Do you build walls and barriers and try to protect that light? Or do you give it out freely as a way of giving to yourself and others around you? Each day, we make choices...

Possibility, New Doors of Possibility, Happiness, Joyful Habits, Goals, Dreams, Self-Care, Self-Love, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
April 22, 2016by Emily Madill

The Key to Unlocking Endless Doors of Possibility

What doors might you unlock if you suddenly realized you had the key? Would it be to happiness; peace; joy; perhaps love? Or might it be to having different and new experiences in life? Whatever that looks like, imagine what might...

Take Action, Dream Creation, Goals, Accountability, Self-Care, Self-Worth, Happiness, Joyful Habits, Life Coach, Emily Madill
April 19, 2016by Emily Madill

Replacing Wishes With Action

Why is it a good idea to take action right now in our lives? The answer that comes to me is: why not? Life is a journey filled with wonder, magic and weirdness – often all wrapped into one. Instead of sitting back pondering the wonder,...

Comfort Zone, Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone, Courage, Goals, Dreams, Happiness, Joyful Habits, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
April 18, 2016by Emily Madill

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

When was the last time you did something that made you step outside of your comfort zone? It is so natural to become comfortable and complacent in life. While there is nothing wrong with being comfortable – life’s gems often lie just a...

Spread Kindness, Compassion, Random Acts of Kindness, Compassion, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
April 15, 2016by Emily Madill

Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Tag, you’re it! Spread some kindness around today. Whether it is in your thoughts, words, actions or all three. See how you feel by injecting more kindness into your day. When we lead our day with kindness as our intention and goal, we...

Mindful, Mindful Language, Speak Kindly, Joyful Habits, Compassion, Self-Love, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
April 11, 2016by Emily Madill

Being Mindful of How We Speak

Words are powerful. When we are being mindful of how we speak, we can purposefully choose words that are kind, clear and in line with our truth. If I am feeling a little low, or if I am being critical of myself and others, I practice...

Laughter, Laughter is the Best Medicine, Humour, Happiness, Joyful Habits, Happiness Tips, Life Coach, Emily Madill, LovingLife
April 8, 2016by Emily Madill

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter truly is the best medicine. It’s funny how laughter is something that can be accessed during happy times and also in times of distress.  Some of my fondest memories are of deep rooted belly laughs shared with good friends....