Life Coach

Why Mindful Breathing Should Be Part of Your Self-Care Routine

This week’s practice is inspired by the serene beauty of the ocean and the effortless way the tides flow in…

8 years ago

An invitation to Caring for Our Caregivers Week FREE Online Event!

It is with great joy, I invite each of you to join in the Caring for our Caregivers Free Online…

8 years ago

Why I Ditched My Phone For a Traditional Alarm Clock

If you are considering ways to improve your sleep, I definitely recommend going back to trusted old school methods of…

8 years ago

Appreciating What Is

How much time in a day do you spend appreciating what is before you? Do you notice the magnificence in…

9 years ago

Create Magic in Your Life

When was the last time you engaged your imagination to dream up something really wonderful in your life? We are…

9 years ago

The Gift of Taking in Our Natural Surroundings, and Taking a Break from Technology

How often do you take in your natural surroundings? Getting outdoors to breathe in natural beauty is the surest way…

9 years ago

Life is a Story and You Are the Writer

Life is a story and each of us writes our own. How do you write yours each day? The idea…

9 years ago

Dare to Dream

How often do you dream big? We are all on a unique journey, with unique hopes and dreams. We will…

9 years ago

Have an Adventure – Wherever You Are

When was the last time you went on an adventure? Being adventurous doesn’t always mean travelling the world, climbing mountains…

9 years ago

Create a Beautiful Mind

What sorts of thoughts do you fill your mind with? Imagine setting out to create a beautiful space in your…

9 years ago

The Key to Unlocking Endless Doors of Possibility

What doors might you unlock if you suddenly realized you had the key? Would it be to happiness; peace; joy;…

9 years ago

Replacing Wishes With Action

Why is it a good idea to take action right now in our lives? The answer that comes to me…

9 years ago

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

When was the last time you did something that made you step outside of your comfort zone? It is so…

9 years ago

Being Mindful of How We Speak

Words are powerful. When we are being mindful of how we speak, we can purposefully choose words that are kind,…

9 years ago

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter truly is the best medicine. It’s funny how laughter is something that can be accessed during happy times and…

9 years ago

How Do You Do Self-Care?

How do you do self-care amidst the many things going on in your life? Different stages of life can feel…

9 years ago

Do What You Can

Do what you can and the rest will fall into place. Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you look at…

9 years ago

The Benefits of having a Professional Coach, Radio interview with Emily Madill & Marc Bernier Benefits of Life Coaching It was exciting to chat on live radio with radio show host Marc Bernier. Marc…

10 years ago

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