3 Ways to Spread More Love and Less Fear

3 Ways to Spread More Love and Less Fear

Imagine how the world would shift, if each of us made it our daily intention to spread more love within our communities. Our daily experience of life would surely feel different, if we tapped into our heart’s intelligence to lead our steps forward. Our global human...
What Would Love Do Here? A Poem

What Would Love Do Here? A Poem

This poem is about taking accountability to view life, life’s obstacles, hardships and prejudices, through the eyes of love. When we view any situation through love, we free ourselves from the dark — the choice is always ours. Perhaps a timely reminder… What would...
Trust in Your Inner Wisdom

Trust in Your Inner Wisdom

How often do you discount your inner wisdom? Do you allow the noise from the outside world to overshadow the guidance and truth living within you? We are all influenced by life happening around us. It is natural to check in and see where we fit in with the rest of the...
Free Your Spirit

Free Your Spirit

How free is your spirit? Do you let it show for others to enjoy, or do you keep it safe and share it only with a select group of people? Imagine what it might feel like to give yourself permission to be yourself in all of your brightness. To never feel as though there...
Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Tag, you’re it! Spread some kindness around today. Whether it is in your thoughts, words, actions or all three. See how you feel by injecting more kindness into your day. When we lead our day with kindness as our intention and goal, we not only feel a bit more...