
3 Clever Ways to Protect Your Happiness Over the Holidays

Here are 3 clever practices I draw on (a lot) to protect my sense of happiness over the holidays. These…

6 years ago

5 Daily Steps to Allow the Magic of Your Life to Naturally Unfold

Here are the 5 daily steps that help me allow the magic of my life to naturally unfold. Give them…

6 years ago

How to Embrace the In-Between Stages of Life

In 'How to Embrace the In-Between Stages of Life’, I share 5 ways to enjoy peace and savor wherever you…

7 years ago

5 Easy Ways To Add More Movement In Your Day

Having some ideas to add more movement in your day can make a world of difference. Here are 5 simple ideas…

7 years ago

Coming Into Your True Self

This is a journey of accepting and loving ourselves as we are, with all of our stumbles, so-called mistakes, and…

7 years ago

11 Simple Strategies to Keep Your Spirits Bright

When life gets you down, use these simple strategies to give your spirit a boost.

7 years ago

The Most Powerful Question to Ask Yourself Each Day

What are you grateful for today? This powerful question is the key to begin unlocking the door to a new…

7 years ago

Adopting A Self-Care Mindset That Will Stick

When we grow our awareness of everything we already do, we begin to appreciate the gifts we regularly experience. Here…

7 years ago

21 Spirit Lifters to Help You Get Back on Track

During our life journey, we will at some point (or many points) find ourselves in a funk where we forget…

7 years ago

Loving The Lives We Are In

Have you ever started a new exercise regimen to improve your health? Have you ever become consumed with drive and…

7 years ago

What Would Love Do Here? A Poem

This poem is about taking accountability to view life, life’s obstacles, hardships and prejudices, through the eyes of love. When…

7 years ago

Let Go of Your Measuring Stick: Embrace Who You Are

If you are looking for ways to stop comparing yourself to others, check out these 3 practices to let go…

7 years ago

7 Ways Gratitude Brightens Our View

Here are seven ways gratitude brightens our view. These simple reminders show us how powerful gratitude is, and why it…

7 years ago

Open Your Heart to the Blessings Around You

It can be tricky to stay focused on all that is right in the world. It becomes even more challenging…

7 years ago

How to Honour Your Inner Voice

“Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to…

7 years ago

Be Free, Release Worries That Keep You Stuck In Fear

How much time do you spend worrying each day? There is no shortage of material and valid reasons to worry…

8 years ago

Inspired Conversations Radio Show

I’m excited to join Best-selling Publisher and Host Linda Joy on the Inspired Conversations Radio Show on the #OMTimes network.…

8 years ago


The natural beauty and power of the ocean can serve as inspiration to stay grounded in who you truly are.…

8 years ago

Finding Comfort in Simplicity

There is something to be said for spending time immersed in everyday, ordinary tasks. When we get lost in activities…

9 years ago

Do More of What Makes You Happy

Sounds simple enough: Do more of what makes you happy. Perhaps it sounds simple because it can be when we…

9 years ago

Illuminating The Path

“When we shine a light on what is already going well, we illuminate the path.” – Emily Madill When we…

9 years ago

Creating Pause to Connect

I See You - You Matter. When we are out in the world sharing space with others, whether it is…

9 years ago

Happy 2015! Exciting News About the TUT Blog

I have exciting news. The TUT Blog has just launched, and two of their first articles were written by me!…

10 years ago

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