7 Ways Gratitude Brightens Our View

7 Ways Gratitude Brightens Our View

Have you ever noticed how we are influenced by what we choose to focus on? The thoughts we think, beliefs we hold and lens we view life through, all shape our reality. Imagine what might change for us if we viewed our lives through the lens of gratitude on a regular...
Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Tag, you’re it! Spread some kindness around today. Whether it is in your thoughts, words, actions or all three. See how you feel by injecting more kindness into your day. When we lead our day with kindness as our intention and goal, we not only feel a bit more...
Growing Gratitude

Growing Gratitude

  How do we grow gratitude? I believe we can never be too thankful, there is always something we can be grateful for. When we focus on all of the things going well in our lives and all of the reasons why life is good, we begin to make room for gratitude to grow...
Extend Your Reach

Extend Your Reach

How might you extend your reach today? Everyone at some point or another has a hard luck day, or goes through periods of life where no break seems to be in sight. Sometimes life deals really tough stuff to sort through and the dark cloud can loom over for a spell. In...