Create a Beautiful Mind

Create a Beautiful Mind

What sorts of thoughts do you fill your mind with? Imagine setting out to create a beautiful space in your mind – a space that’s filled with thoughts of joy, and void of thoughts that cause suffering. What we think about on a regular basis has an enormous impact...
Share your Light

Share your Light

How do you share the essence of who you are with the world? Do you build walls and barriers and try to protect that light? Or do you give it out freely as a way of giving to yourself and others around you? Each day, we make choices around how we show up and share the...
Replacing Wishes With Action

Replacing Wishes With Action

Why is it a good idea to take action right now in our lives? The answer that comes to me is: why not? Life is a journey filled with wonder, magic and weirdness – often all wrapped into one. Instead of sitting back pondering the wonder, magic and weirdness, why not...
Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

When was the last time you did something that made you step outside of your comfort zone? It is so natural to become comfortable and complacent in life. While there is nothing wrong with being comfortable – life’s gems often lie just a little beyond the reach of our...