Life is a Story and You Are the Writer

Life is a Story and You Are the Writer

Life is a story and each of us writes our own. How do you write yours each day? The idea that we have creative license in our life helps us to see that life isn’t happening to us. We have a say in how we choose to be on this journey of life, whatever comes our way....
Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

How often do you dream big? We are all on a unique journey, with unique hopes and dreams. We will make some of our dreams come to life and others may lay dormant for a lifetime. Sometimes we may even come to realize the dreams we thought were important, don’t matter...
The Gift of Receiving

The Gift of Receiving

How easy is it for you to receive? Whether it is receiving time, attention, gifts from others or from yourself – do you open up to receiving or do you shut it down? For many people (myself included) it can be way more comfortable to give than to receive. Living life...
Keeping Life Simple is a Choice

Keeping Life Simple is a Choice

How do you spend your time? Does it feel like you never have enough time or that life is overly-complicated? Each of us has been gifted the power to manage our lives however we choose. Sometimes we can lose sight of this. We can forget we are the ones feeding the...
Have an Adventure – Wherever You Are

Have an Adventure – Wherever You Are

When was the last time you went on an adventure? Being adventurous doesn’t always mean travelling the world, climbing mountains or white water rafting. While these kinds of adventures are exciting and definitely lead to a life well-lived, they aren’t always...