Focus On What You Do Want

Focus On What You Do Want

Focus on what you do want and forget the rest. Our minds are so powerful at creating our experiences in life. We use our minds as a tool and filter to help us interpret what is happening before us and whether or not we like what we see. Training our minds to scan our...
Growing Gratitude

Growing Gratitude

  How do we grow gratitude? I believe we can never be too thankful, there is always something we can be grateful for. When we focus on all of the things going well in our lives and all of the reasons why life is good, we begin to make room for gratitude to grow...
Dream Big

Dream Big

Do you dream big? When was the last time you thought about what your biggest dreams include? As much as it is sometimes uncomfortable and scary to admit, I have big dreams. Some of these goals and dreams are in motion, while others hover off in the horizon. When I...
Have Fun

Have Fun

What are some of the things you could do today to HAVE FUN? Every day is an opportunity to experience fun and laughter. Sometimes it can be easy to forget just how simple it is to enjoy some fun. Having fun doesn’t need to be reserved for an ‘event’, it can be as...
Extend Your Reach

Extend Your Reach

How might you extend your reach today? Everyone at some point or another has a hard luck day, or goes through periods of life where no break seems to be in sight. Sometimes life deals really tough stuff to sort through and the dark cloud can loom over for a spell. In...