Author Emily Madill

Focus On What You Do Want

Focus on what you do want and forget the rest. Our minds are so powerful at creating our experiences in…

9 years ago

Growing Gratitude

  How do we grow gratitude? I believe we can never be too thankful, there is always something we can…

9 years ago

Dream Big

Do you dream big? When was the last time you thought about what your biggest dreams include? As much as…

9 years ago

Have Fun

What are some of the things you could do today to HAVE FUN? Every day is an opportunity to experience…

9 years ago

Extend Your Reach

How might you extend your reach today? Everyone at some point or another has a hard luck day, or goes…

9 years ago

Never Underestimate the Power of Tiny Steps

While much of life is out of our control, it is refreshing to know that the way we choose to…

9 years ago

Having Trust In Yourself

Our belief in ourselves carries a lot of weight. If we believe in ourselves and trust ourselves, things have a…

9 years ago

Listening When the Soul Speaks

Do you ever get the overwhelming feeling that you should take a step in a particular direction in your life?…

9 years ago

Finding Comfort in Simplicity

There is something to be said for spending time immersed in everyday, ordinary tasks. When we get lost in activities…

9 years ago

Remember with Fondness – the Legacy Lives on

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." ~ Dr. Seuss I love this simple yet powerful message by…

9 years ago

Fully Funded Kickstarter!

WE DID IT!!! Fall in Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time is fully funded and ready to…

9 years ago


Look…Listen…Believe We all have an inner voice, intuition, a guidance system, or whatever you prefer to call it. When we…

9 years ago

Do More of What Makes You Happy

Sounds simple enough: Do more of what makes you happy. Perhaps it sounds simple because it can be when we…

9 years ago

Emily Madill & Marc Bernier’s Live Radio Interview on the Kickstarter Campaign For everyone who is wondering just what the heck I am up to with this Kickstarter thing. My friend…

9 years ago

Kickstarter Campaign Update – Almost 25% of the way there!

Hi Everyone, thank you so much for your support in backing my kickstarter project, Fall in Love with Your Life,…

9 years ago

Gratitude Activity for Thanksgiving

It is Thanksgiving in Canada ~ Happy Thanksgiving to everyone living in Canada, as well as all Canadians living abroad.…

9 years ago

Fall in Love with Your Life, One Week at a Time Kickstarter Campaign   I'm getting set to publish my book: Fall in Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time.…

9 years ago

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass Have you ever stopped what you are doing to listen in on the stories being spun…

9 years ago

Illuminating The Path

“When we shine a light on what is already going well, we illuminate the path.” – Emily Madill When we…

9 years ago

small change, makes BIG CHANGE

Small change, makes BIG CHANGE. This is true for everything. Whether it’s in relation to creating positive change in the…

9 years ago

Creating Pause to Connect

I See You - You Matter. When we are out in the world sharing space with others, whether it is…

9 years ago

Hydrate to Feel Happy & Energized

Why should we hydrate? When our bodies are well-fueled and rested, it is more natural to feel happy and balanced.…

9 years ago

Developing Mindfulness as Part of Self-Care

Mindfulness and Self-Care For a while now I have been aware of and experienced firsthand the benefits of yoga, breath,…

9 years ago

Stretching Past Our Comfort Zones Isn’t Easy – These 3 Practices Will Help Prepare You To Grow

Stretching our Comfort Zones - not always easy but it's worth it when we do. It can be nice hanging…

9 years ago

The Benefits of having a Professional Coach, Radio interview with Emily Madill & Marc Bernier Benefits of Life Coaching It was exciting to chat on live radio with radio show host Marc Bernier. Marc…

9 years ago

Choosing a Daily Self-Care Practice

What might change if you started each day with a self-care practice? Each morning is an opportunity to start fresh…

9 years ago

How to Live and Love from Your Core Values

In 'How to Love and Love from Your Core Values', you'll receive some ideas to begin practicing core value awareness…

9 years ago

The Practice of Embracing the In-Between Stages of Life

Life is an adventure filled with mystery and miracles, highs and lows and an extraordinary range of in-between experiences along…

9 years ago

10 Creative Ways to Quiet Your Mind and Lead with Your Heart

These practices and reminders are designed to build your mindful muscle in order to worry less and love more.

9 years ago

Emily Madill’s 21 day Mindfulness Challenge

Join my Free 21 day Mindfulness Challenge  Start date May 16, 2015 After returning from an extremely heart-centered adventure in…

9 years ago

The Value in Letting Go

In the Value of Letting Go, I share 5 benefits that come from the act of letting go.

9 years ago

Stand Up Against Bullying…Say Yes To Kindness

"Each time we look at someone we make the choice of separation or oneness. We choose to draw lines or…

10 years ago

Gaining the Courage & Confidence to Embrace Authenticity

"The world needs You to shine your light bright." My journey to embrace all of who I am starts here...…

10 years ago

Celebrating Grateful Jake with a Valentine’s Gratitude Activity

  Celebrating Grateful Jake and Valentine's Day ❤ We are grateful that our 'Grateful Jake' plaque celebrating it's honorable mention…

10 years ago

Happy 2015! Exciting News About the TUT Blog

I have exciting news. The TUT Blog has just launched, and two of their first articles were written by me!…

10 years ago

Remember With Fondness

Let us honor and remember with fondness for all they stood for, and be thankful they were once here to…

10 years ago

Break Free From Perfectionism

"The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of…

10 years ago

‘Honouring Our Inner Voices to ‘Make the Right Choices’ for Us

  “Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is…

11 years ago

Love Yourself ‘Right Now’- No Strings Attached

"You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you."…

11 years ago

Lessons Learned from an “On The Move Mom”

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” ~Emily Kimbrough…

11 years ago

“Release the Fear” of Not Measuring up and Share Your Light

Check out my story originally published on Tiny Buddha, an Amazing site that specializes in 'tiny wisdom for complex lives'.…

11 years ago

Choose Your Adventure

“It isn’t what happens to us that causes us to suffer; it’s what we say to ourselves about what happens.”…

11 years ago

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