Author Emily Madill

3 Things to Remember When You’re Feeling Alone

If you are feeling alone, these 3 reminders are meant to help you go easier on yourself, and see that…

8 years ago

Listening When The Soul Speaks

Listening when the soul speaks is a practice that can transform the moments in our day and bring us closer…

8 years ago

3 Powerful Practices to Ditch Your People Pleasing Habit

These 3 powerful practices have been pivotal in helping me ditch my people pleaser habit and instead lead my life…

8 years ago

Stop the Search: Find Your Answers Within

Many of us dedicate a lifetime searching for the right path to our truths. There can be this burning desire…

8 years ago

The Beauty in Living From The Inside Out

What does it mean to live life from the inside out? When we live from the inside out, the noise…

8 years ago

How to Stand in Your Power and Stop Giving it Away

What does it take to stand in your power and why is it important to stop giving it away? Here's…

8 years ago

Open Your Heart to the Blessings Around You

It can be tricky to stay focused on all that is right in the world. It becomes even more challenging…

8 years ago

What My Husband Has Taught Me About Fatherhood

These are the top 3 things my husband has taught me about fatherhood.

8 years ago

I’m Thrilled To Be A Part of This Inspiring Master Class Series for Women

One conversation could change the trajectory of your life, health, relationship or business. Has that happened to you too? That…

8 years ago

11 Hints it’s Time to Surrender and Take the Path of Least Resistance

11 hints it is time to surrender and take the path of least resistance. These cues are meant to help…

8 years ago

Owning Our Stories is a Liberating Way to Live

I had the opportunity to take part in a pottery workshop where we handcrafted a clay herb pot. I don’t…

8 years ago

What Being a Mom of Boys Has Taught Me About Life

I am the proud mom of two boys. While society considers me to be their role model, I knew the…

8 years ago

Exciting News! 60+ Gifts from Me & My Friends to Support You in Living Your Best Life

I’ve joined my good friend, Publisher Linda Joy of Aspire Magazine, the premier inspirational magazine for women, for her annual…

8 years ago

Why Mindful Breathing Should Be Part of Your Self-Care Routine

This week’s practice is inspired by the serene beauty of the ocean and the effortless way the tides flow in…

8 years ago

How to Honour Your Inner Voice

“Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to…

8 years ago

Why Passion Is a Game Changer in Work and in Life

The truth about passion is that when we have it, we are filled with hope and spirit. When we are…

8 years ago

Why I Ditched My Phone For a Traditional Alarm Clock

If you are considering ways to improve your sleep, I definitely recommend going back to trusted old school methods of…

8 years ago

Be Free, Release Worries That Keep You Stuck In Fear

How much time do you spend worrying each day? There is no shortage of material and valid reasons to worry…

8 years ago

Be Open, Trust You Will Reach Your Dreams

Do you have big dreams and plans for your life? Do you ever feel like there is something getting in…

8 years ago

Be Clear, Ask Yourself Questions that Matter

What do you want in your life? How would you like to feel? How clear are you on what your…

8 years ago

Dear 2017 – Let’s Be Light

Well here we are wrapping up another year. Preparing to close the door on 2016, in preparation to welcome in…

8 years ago

Look for Life’s Simplicities

Do you tend to go about your day thinking life is challenging and hard? Or do you look for ways…

8 years ago

Breathe in Possibility

Do you believe in the limitless possibilities in your life? Or do you tend to lose sight of all that…

8 years ago

Sharing My Wisdom in Aspire Magazine, Oct/Nov 2016 Issue

Inspiration for a Woman’s SoulTM! I’m honored to be a contributing writer to Aspire Magazine’s ‘Embracing Midlife’ issue featuring Intuitive…

8 years ago

Living Now Book Award Recipient

I am so excited and honoured to share that my book, 'Fall in Love With Your Life, One Week at…

9 years ago

Look On The Bright Side

How do you feel when you look on the bright side of a situation? What changes for you when you…

9 years ago

Appreciating What Is

How much time in a day do you spend appreciating what is before you? Do you notice the magnificence in…

9 years ago

Create Magic in Your Life

When was the last time you engaged your imagination to dream up something really wonderful in your life? We are…

9 years ago


The natural beauty and power of the ocean can serve as inspiration to stay grounded in who you truly are.…

9 years ago

The Gift of Taking in Our Natural Surroundings, and Taking a Break from Technology

How often do you take in your natural surroundings? Getting outdoors to breathe in natural beauty is the surest way…

9 years ago

Life is a Story and You Are the Writer

Life is a story and each of us writes our own. How do you write yours each day? The idea…

9 years ago

Dare to Dream

How often do you dream big? We are all on a unique journey, with unique hopes and dreams. We will…

9 years ago

The Gift of Receiving

How easy is it for you to receive? Whether it is receiving time, attention, gifts from others or from yourself…

9 years ago

Keeping Life Simple is a Choice

How do you spend your time? Does it feel like you never have enough time or that life is overly-complicated?…

9 years ago

Have an Adventure – Wherever You Are

When was the last time you went on an adventure? Being adventurous doesn’t always mean travelling the world, climbing mountains…

9 years ago

Adding More Fun to the Day is Easy

What kind of fun do you enjoy each day? Injecting more fun in our day doesn’t need to be something…

9 years ago

Free Your Spirit

How free is your spirit? Do you let it show for others to enjoy, or do you keep it safe…

9 years ago

Enjoy the Little Things

What brings you joy? What if everything we want, is already right in front of us? Could all of the…

9 years ago

The Gift of Connection

Do you choose to connect with others or disconnect? Do you connect to your own inner spirit, or do you…

9 years ago

Start Each Day With a Grateful Heart

Starting your day with gratitude is a powerful practice.

9 years ago

Create a Beautiful Mind

What sorts of thoughts do you fill your mind with? Imagine setting out to create a beautiful space in your…

9 years ago

Share your Light

How do you share the essence of who you are with the world? Do you build walls and barriers and…

9 years ago

The Key to Unlocking Endless Doors of Possibility

What doors might you unlock if you suddenly realized you had the key? Would it be to happiness; peace; joy;…

9 years ago

Replacing Wishes With Action

Why is it a good idea to take action right now in our lives? The answer that comes to me…

9 years ago

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

When was the last time you did something that made you step outside of your comfort zone? It is so…

9 years ago

Being Mindful of How We Speak

Words are powerful. When we are being mindful of how we speak, we can purposefully choose words that are kind,…

9 years ago

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter truly is the best medicine. It’s funny how laughter is something that can be accessed during happy times and…

9 years ago

Do What You Can

Do what you can and the rest will fall into place. Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you look at…

9 years ago

Time to Celebrate

How often do you take time out to celebrate where you are in your life at this very moment? Sometimes…

9 years ago

Freedom in Our Thoughts

How do we create freedom in our thoughts? We all have a built-in way to create private suffering or personal…

9 years ago

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