Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right. ― Henry Ford
I love this quote. I believe it applies to so much in life. There is no doubting perception is powerful. What could be added to the above quote, is that the object of our heart’s desire is always right here, whether or not we think it exists.
In relation to joy, this is wonderful news because it speaks to the idea that the experience of joy is always available to us. It’s not something we have to tirelessly search for or jump through hoops to arrive at. Rather, it’s something we can access right now in this very moment, if we choose.
If that seems like it’s too easy to be true, try these 5 simple tips and see if they may help you tap into your joy.
1. Listen for Joy
The fast-track way to accessing our personal joy is to be still and quiet enough to hear our unique inner voice and spirit. Often the outside noise drowns out our wise inner voice. When we give ourselves the space to really listen, it becomes very clear our joy is right below the surface just waiting to play. When we listen, our joy will show us the way.
2. Keep Joy Simple
Joy is not complicated and neither is accessing it. We don’t need to read endless books, listen to podcasts and spend copious amounts of money searching for joy. It’s much easier to take the simple route. Sometimes it’s a matter of reminding ourselves we are all worthy and capable of experiencing joy, it’s as simple as knowing our joy lives within us.
3. Just Be Joy
I love the idea that in order to have something, whether that be love, peace, joy etc., we must first be the very thing we are wanting. If we want joy, we can start by being joy. We can be joyful in our thoughts, the words we speak, our interactions with others and our overall demeanor. Human beings are blessed to have the creative license to actually try on and be whatever it is we most want .
4. Laugh Your Way to Joy
Laughing is powerful. Laugh at yourself, laugh with a friend, laugh with your pet. Whatever you do, be sure to laugh as often and as loud as you can. It’s nearly impossible to not feel joy when you are midway through a belly laugh with happy tears streaming down your cheeks. Laughter is a gift that’s available to us all the time. There isn’t a limit to how often we can bust a gut. The more we laugh, the greater sense of joy we feel and spread out into the world.
5. See Joy
If you want to prove to yourself that joy exists everywhere, all the time, see what happens when you start looking for the evidence of it. Try it out for a day, I dare you. When we start seeing joy in the faces of people around us and the pure magnificence of our surroundings, we experience a deep feeling of joy within ourselves. Breathe it all in. Give yourself the gift of becoming an expert at finding joy in the most mundane and simplest places. You may be surprised to see how much joy exists in our world, and even more so in recognizing it’s always present within you.
❤ Emily
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Written by Emily Madill. Originally published at medium.com