Heartfelt Living

Breathe in Possibility

Do you believe in the limitless possibilities in your life? Or do you tend to lose sight of all that…

8 years ago

Sharing My Wisdom in Aspire Magazine, Oct/Nov 2016 Issue

Inspiration for a Woman’s SoulTM! I’m honored to be a contributing writer to Aspire Magazine’s ‘Embracing Midlife’ issue featuring Intuitive…

8 years ago

How to Strengthen Your Life by Embracing Your Softer Side

Are you ready to embrace your softer side? These 3 practices will help you adopt a softer way of being…

8 years ago

Create Magic in Your Life

When was the last time you engaged your imagination to dream up something really wonderful in your life? We are…

8 years ago

Life is a Story and You Are the Writer

Life is a story and each of us writes our own. How do you write yours each day? The idea…

8 years ago

Dare to Dream

How often do you dream big? We are all on a unique journey, with unique hopes and dreams. We will…

8 years ago

Free Your Spirit

How free is your spirit? Do you let it show for others to enjoy, or do you keep it safe…

8 years ago

The Gift of Connection

Do you choose to connect with others or disconnect? Do you connect to your own inner spirit, or do you…

8 years ago

Share your Light

How do you share the essence of who you are with the world? Do you build walls and barriers and…

8 years ago

The Key to Unlocking Endless Doors of Possibility

What doors might you unlock if you suddenly realized you had the key? Would it be to happiness; peace; joy;…

8 years ago

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