How much time in a day do you spend appreciating what is before you? Do you notice the magnificence in your surroundings and the people around you?
As human beings we are so blessed to have the ability to choose what we focus on and what we take in. We can choose to engage our senses and breathe in our surroundings, or we can become wrapped up in our thoughts and stories that take us away from appreciating what is.
Every time I have this realization I feel giddy with excitement. I feel ecstatic that I get to choose whether or not I notice and appreciate the endless gifts before me.
Feeling grateful for what is, has a way of creating more of the same. What do you notice about your life and your surroundings that bring you a feeling of giddiness and pure joy?
Breathe into that place…and again…and again.
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If you are interested in connecting to who you are on a deeper level, or if you would like to create a self-care and self-love practice – check out my new E-Course, ‘Fall In Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time’. It is a chance to create your own life practice in a way that is meaningful to you – all are welcome.