Here’s what readers are saying about
Emily Madill’s books…

Praise for Fall in Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time
Mike Dooley
author of NY Times Bestseller Leveraging the Universe
“This is the book to prepare you for the coming year! If you’re ready to fall in love with your life, I know how you can do it, and who can lead the way. Emily Madill is a light to all who know her and I’m so happy she is putting her brilliance in print, to reach as many people as possible! She’s authentic, caring, and sage-like, and you will know this immediately upon soaking up her teachings!”

Praise for Grateful Jake
IP Notables
Independent Publisher
“Grateful Jake is sure to spark the interest of your young one as they can, without a doubt, relate to Jake’s lack of enthusiasm as he sits, uninspired on a Friday afternoon to work on a school assigned essay…. Emily Madill and Izabela Bzymek illustrate a lesson we, as parents, are continuously trying to instill in our children, simply to be grateful. As children, with limited experiences and knowledge, it is difficult to “learn” perspective. Books are a gateway to these teachings. Let Jake’s experience be an eye opener, illustrating that the good stuff lies in the little things.”

Praise for Captain Joe
BC Bookworld
“Despite Degrees in Psychology and business, Emily Madill insists motherhood is the most creative and challenging job she’s had to date. Her series of four Captain Joe books encourages children to cultivate accountability and empowerment at a young age. They are designed to help generate self-esteem by helping children learn conscious control of their thoughts and moods.”

Praise for Sam’s Magic Mirror
Angela Slade
founder of EsteemedCHICs
“This book teaches girls about friendships, leadership, confidence and most importantly to ‘be who you uniquely are’!”