Have an Adventure – Wherever You Are

Have an Adventure – Wherever You Are

When was the last time you went on an adventure? Being adventurous doesn’t always mean travelling the world, climbing mountains or white water rafting. While these kinds of adventures are exciting and definitely lead to a life well-lived, they aren’t always...
Adding More Fun to the Day is Easy

Adding More Fun to the Day is Easy

What kind of fun do you enjoy each day? Injecting more fun in our day doesn’t need to be something we preplan or find time for. We can have more fun by adopting a mindset that is playful. One of the most powerful ways of using fun and play is to inject more of it in...
Enjoy the Little Things

Enjoy the Little Things

What brings you joy? What if everything we want, is already right in front of us? Could all of the searching and striving we do be causing us to miss the point of it all? When we take a look around and truly see and appreciate all that life is offering us, we open up...
Start Each Day With a Grateful Heart

Start Each Day With a Grateful Heart

What changes might you experience by starting each day with a grateful heart? Gratitude is one of the most direct ways to connect with your heart and the essence of who you are. When we start our day off giving thanks for our lives and for the beauty in the world...
Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Tag, you’re it! Spread some kindness around today. Whether it is in your thoughts, words, actions or all three. See how you feel by injecting more kindness into your day. When we lead our day with kindness as our intention and goal, we not only feel a bit more...