Today is Pink Shirt Day here in my part of the world. Different places celebrate on different days. The wonderful message it represents creates awareness of taking a ‘Stand Against Bullying’ and taking the Initiative to come together in communities to spread Kindness, Empathy and Goodwill out to our neighbors and world at large. Hopefully this is something that is shared and spread beyond today.
Pink Shirt day was initiated in 2007 by two ‘Canadian’ grade nine students from Nova Scotia (Yay Canada!). David Shepherd & Travis Price took a stand and wore pink shirts proudly (as well as getting 50 pink shirts for classmates) as a powerful way of supporting a fellow student who was being bullied for wearing pink to school. Travis and David showed the kind of empathy and courage we all have inside of ourselves, the important thing to note is they ‘listened’ and ‘took action’ by following through with what they knew was the right thing to do.
There are so many AMAZING kids out in the world just like Travis and David. I believe more of these stories need to be ‘Showcased in the Media’ to spread the word that KINDNESS IS COOL, and to help spread that message to make that be the kind of ideal and standard that all kids find alluring.
In 2012, the United Nations declared the official Anti-Bullying day (a.k.a Pink Shirt Day) as May 4th and it is recognized by over 25 countries worldwide, such as Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Today countries and places from around the world celebrate all throughout the year on different days. What a Beautiful example of the ripple effect that can be created by two people standing up with a Resounding Yes to Acceptance and Respecting the Right to Be Different – So Awesome!
I am excited to be discussing this topic more in depth today on WNDB, news talk radio out of Daytona Beach Florida. I will post the interview later.
If Pink Shirt Day is happening in your world, wear your pink and be compassionate towards others help to help create a ripple effect of Kindness out into the world.
We are wearing pink proudly today at our house.
Believe in Yourself – ❤ Emily
If you are interested in connecting to who you are on a deeper level, or if you would like to create a self-care and self-love practice — come on over and join our growing community within my E-Course, ‘Fall In Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time’. It is a chance to create your own life practice in a way that is meaningful to you.❤