It’s true, happiness is an inside job.
Do you allow external forces to undermine your sense of happiness?
It’s easy to point fingers and pass blame as to why we aren’t happy, or why we believe we’ve been robbed of our joy. If we believe other people or circumstances are the cause of our unhappiness, it’s only natural to also believe the source of our happiness comes from outside of ourselves too.
Expecting our external world to fulfill our sense of happiness within our internal world, is an easy trap to fall into. However, it’s an endless trap that will cause us to drift further from what we truly desire. Making our happiness dependent on forces outside of our control, sets us up to continually chase a moving target.
If this rings true, and you find you receive a temporary sense of happiness that fades as soon as the external source is out of reach, you aren’t alone. I’ve been there and I still go there at times. I’ve experienced heartache, disappointment, loss, and self-doubt. All while feeling disconnected from myself.
I’ve handed my power over to others who don’t have my best interest at heart, hoping and expecting to receive approval, relief, or something different from them. I’ve been on the maddening roller coaster where chasing my happiness became an endless loop. I understand the frustration and sadness that can come from yearning to feel like everything is going to be okay. That true happiness is within my reach.
What I’ve come to learn, is happiness is mine for the making and it’s also yours for the making. There isn’t a happiness quota in the world. There is enough joy and love for everyone. We are all worthy of happiness. Please let’s squash that ugly mind virus that says we aren’t worthy. Let that sucker go once and for all.
Creating our own happiness is a practice, where we build ourselves up one gentle step at a time. It comes through reminding ourselves to connect inward and trust in our wisdom and resourcefulness. It also comes from reminding ourselves to ignore the propaganda and external noise that shouts at us to chase our happiness. The kind that aims to convince us, we are failing in life if we aren’t following a particular credo.
Building ourselves up becomes easier when we stop searching outside for happiness and instead begin the journey home. The journey where we trust in ourselves to guide our steps forward. Where we intentionally quiet the external noise and pressure, so we can hear the wisdom that lives within us. The wisdom that lovingly takes our highest path and that of our fellow human beings to heart.
Deciding to take charge of our happiness, doesn’t mean we won’t still experience sadness or heartache. We are human beings and it’s normal to experience a wide range of emotion on our journey. This isn’t about sweeping all the hard, messy emotions under the rug. We don’t have to ignore our emotions in favour of striving to always walk around happy. Yet, this is often the message our external world urges us to believe, that we shouldn’t have to feel hard emotions and there is something wrong with us if we do. The common message is that we are broken, and we should follow the newest, quickest fix that encourages us to chase our happiness.
There are loads of valuable resources we can turn to for help that will provide us with an immense feeling of happiness and growth. The game changer comes from checking in with ourselves FIRST, before we jump on a new path. When we make it a common practice to befriend and trust our inner truth, it becomes second nature to know what feels right within the sea of a noisy world.
Understanding that happiness is ours for the making, means we are gentle with ourselves as we move through our emotions. Especially when life serves up the hard, messy stuff. It means we know we are held from within, and our wise voice is there to help point us in the next best direction. Sometimes that next best step is reaching out to our trusted people or taking a baby step in a new direction. Our inner wisdom might hint that we question the validity of a story we may be playing out in our mind, or that we pull resources from our external world.
Committing to a life of personal happiness isn’t about being alone or soldiering through life. It’s about turning inward to hear the soft whisper of our truth, before we assume others know better for us than we do. It’s about appointing ourselves as CEO of our happiness and then making steps and decisions along the way to re-direct and course correct.
When we empower ourselves to take charge of our happiness, we are more apt to stay on our own path that is aligned with our personal truth. The true sense of inner peace and happiness stems from authentically walking our own path with pride.
When was the last time you listened in to the soft whisper of your truth? If you appointed yourself in charge of your personal happiness, what might change for you over the course of this next year?
Like what you read? Sign Up for free weekly inspiration with Emily’s featured articles, happiness strategies and videos and you’ll receive my free E-Course ‘Self-Care Success: Adopting a Self-Care Mindset That Sticks’.

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