Check in and Rejoice in Your Life Journey

by | Aug 7, 2017 | Give Thanks | 0 comments

Have you ever given yourself the gift of celebrating your life journey? Not just the milestones and highlights. But taking the time to really dig in and look at how far you’ve come, your lessons learned, and the person you are at your core.

Imagine giving yourself regular check ins and celebrations. Giving yourself permission to celebrate who you are is something that can be initiated anytime. You can journal it out, story it out in conversation with others, or just let it grow in your thoughts and words.

I’ve noticed when I check in and give myself compassion for where I’ve been, and recognition for wherever I’m at, my perspective on life expands. Rejoicing in my life journey has helped awaken some of my best moments and memories. These regular check ins help me grow the practice of seeing more of what I love and value about life.

Here are a few ways I remind myself to check in and rejoice in the many gifts and learning I’ve been blessed to receive. Try them out and see what happens when you initiate your own regular check ins to celebrate your life journey.

1. Be Open

Instead of resisting life, open your senses and breathe life in. Every facet of it. Rather than labeling things as good or bad, see what happens when you embrace the laughter, tears, sights, sounds and experiences that are included in your unique life journey.

It’s not just our highlight reel that is worthy of owning and celebrating, it’s all the moments woven together that create our unique paths. When you open your mind to the idea that the journey is what makes life special, it becomes easier to remember all the reasons why it’s a gift to get to be here in the first place. That’s something worth celebrating.

2. Connect

Our interactions and connections with others give us the space to express who we are. It also gives us the gift of experiencing the light and truth of who others are. This is something we don’t want to take for granted.

We never know when the opportunity to express and connect will no longer be an option. If this is something within reach at the moment then seize it, own it and celebrate this gift right now. Reach out and celebrate the special people who have touched you on your life journey. Let them know in your unique way what an honor it is to be traveling through life with them.

3. Be Amazed

Take some time to be amazed at the creator within you. We are all creators doing our best while carving our paths. In our creative endeavors, we somehow also manage to leave our unique imprint on the lives of others.

We can choose to shine our light in a way that brightens the path for people around us. The more we celebrate life as a gift and share this out, the more this kind of energy and joy spreads.

We are all powerful creators in the way we choose to show up each day. That’s awe-inspiring and worth celebrating in itself.

Rather than barreling through life aimed at a target that’s in constant motion, give yourself the gift of regular check ins. Never lose sight of the exhilarating ride you’ve had thus far, and the amazing person you are as a result. Rejoice in your life!


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Check out Emily’s book: Fall in Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time

Emily Madill is an author ICF accredited coach with a BA in business and psychology. She is Thrive Global’s Editor-at-Large, has published 11 book titles, and offers 1:1 coaching. Her Weekly Happiness Note is enjoyed by people worldwide since 2014.

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Weekly Happiness Note, Simple Strategies to remember the good, feel your best and re-set as needed.




Weekly Happiness Note, Simple Strategies to remember the good, feel your best and re-set as needed.