Surrender to the Wise Voice Within

Surrender to the Wise Voice Within

It’s Time to Hear and Follow Your Wisdom How much external noise must we be exposed to before we get the message? Do you get inundated with emails, information, advertisements and opinions from every expert in every field urging you to follow their lead? What might...
Coming Into Your True Self

Coming Into Your True Self

This is a journey of accepting and loving ourselves as we are, with all of our stumbles, so-called mistakes, and imperfections. What does it mean to come into your true self? More importantly, if and when you get there, how in the world do you stay there? I’ve...
Be a Conduit of Light

Be a Conduit of Light

Have you ever been around someone who immediately put you at ease? Perhaps you may be one of those people who others feel safe around. What is the common thread in people who emanate warmth? Some may think it is related to personality or physical appearance. But this...
How to Stand in Your Power and Stop Giving it Away

How to Stand in Your Power and Stop Giving it Away

What does it take to stand in your power and why is it important to stop giving it away? Living your life from a place of personal power can come across as an overused statement to entice people to adopt a win at all costs kind of mentality. I believe it is really...
Owning Our Stories is a Liberating Way to Live

Owning Our Stories is a Liberating Way to Live

I had the opportunity to take part in a pottery workshop where we handcrafted a clay herb pot. I don’t consider myself much of an artist per say. I did however love getting my hands dirty and generally find creative endeavors of any kind enjoyable. During the class,...