Free Your Spirit

Free Your Spirit

How free is your spirit? Do you let it show for others to enjoy, or do you keep it safe and share it only with a select group of people? Imagine what it might feel like to give yourself permission to be yourself in all of your brightness. To never feel as though there...
The Gift of Connection

The Gift of Connection

Do you choose to connect with others or disconnect? Do you connect to your own inner spirit, or do you distract yourself away from listening to the soft voice of your inner truth? Unless we live in absolute seclusion, there will always be opportunities to connect with...
Share your Light

Share your Light

How do you share the essence of who you are with the world? Do you build walls and barriers and try to protect that light? Or do you give it out freely as a way of giving to yourself and others around you? Each day, we make choices around how we show up and share the...
Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Spread Some Kindness Around Today

Tag, you’re it! Spread some kindness around today. Whether it is in your thoughts, words, actions or all three. See how you feel by injecting more kindness into your day. When we lead our day with kindness as our intention and goal, we not only feel a bit more...
Never Underestimate the Power of Tiny Steps

Never Underestimate the Power of Tiny Steps

While much of life is out of our control, it is refreshing to know that the way we choose to react and engage with life is something we can play with and practice in order to find our joy. This is sometimes easier said than done, especially when life deals hard blows...