How to Honour Your Inner Voice

How to Honour Your Inner Voice

“Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.” – Walter Anderson We all travel down paths that teach us great lessons and wisdom…this story shines light on my journey of...
Dear 2017 – Let’s Be Light

Dear 2017 – Let’s Be Light

Well here we are wrapping up another year. Preparing to close the door on 2016, in preparation to welcome in 2017. I love this time of year and not because it’s typically the time of year where we are pressured to make a list of unrealistic goals and promises to...
Making Friends With Our Shadow Selves

Making Friends With Our Shadow Selves

Do you ever wish there were parts of you that you could change or hide from the world? Do you sometimes hold back sharing who you are in all of your light and darkness? Do you fear being misunderstood or not being accepted by others? Who we are is so much more than...

Go Within, Not Without

As human beings, we all have stumbles and roadblocks along our journey. We also have the ability to experience an unlimited amount of joy and fulfillment. One of the most powerful ways to connect to our joy, particularly when we stumble, is to go within and connect to...