The Gift of a Determined Disposition

The Gift of a Determined Disposition

Determination in its purest form stems from “ignited passion.” There is a certain level of confidence and strength that must be present in order to maintain a determined disposition. It’s not something we can fake. When we are passionate about something and...
Why Passion Is a Game Changer in Work and in Life

Why Passion Is a Game Changer in Work and in Life

How much passion do you have? Do you love your life? What about the people in your life? Do you have a fulfilling job? What about hobbies? We can ask ourselves these questions to seek honest, authentic answers. Our answers can help us get a clear snapshot of our...
Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

When was the last time you did something that made you step outside of your comfort zone? It is so natural to become comfortable and complacent in life. While there is nothing wrong with being comfortable – life’s gems often lie just a little beyond the reach of our...
Set Your Intention

Set Your Intention

How do you set your intention? What exactly is intention? I love to look at intention as a personal game plan for our experiences in life. We can set it to have a winning experience or a losing experience. It is powerful either way. When we add a bit of self-awareness...


Look…Listen…Believe We all have an inner voice, intuition, a guidance system, or whatever you prefer to call it. When we go through our day being mindful of what our inner voice is telling us or showing us, new ways of seeing the world and experiencing the day begin...