Purchase Captain Joe to the Rescue online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Indigo Books.
Captain Joe to the Rescue
The Captain Joe Series was designed as a tool for adults to teach children about constructive imagination. The four books are a fun and interactive way to introduce the concept of “Thoughts Turn into Things” (so choose the ones that make you happy) to young children, ages five to nine years. Joe and his thought-zapping superpower will invite children to use their imaginations to constructively choose thoughts that promote healthy self-esteem and self-awareness. Each picture story is designed to teach a key concept. Captain Joe to the Rescue is the first book in the series and introduces Joe and the concept of his ‘thought-zapping superpower’. Children will be captivated by Joe and his encounter with Wilfred the friendly wizard. Wilfred presents Joe with a special wand that helps him take charge of his thoughts by ZAPPING away his unhappy thoughts and replacing them with ones that feel happy. This introductory book is a great way to begin discussions with children around thoughts and attitudes, and their personal power in shaping them.

Purchase the Captain Joe Saves the Day! online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Indigo Books.
Captain Joe to the Rescue
Captain Joe Saves the Day is the second book in the series and is a lesson in how purposeful thinking can help eliminate self-limiting beliefs. Children will discover what happens when Joe uses his invisible ‘thought-zapping’ wand to save himself from his swampy pit thoughts. After giving in to his self-doubt and disappointment, Joe learns the importance of speaking up and taking an active role in reaching his dreams of becoming a soccer goalie. Most everyone can recall a time in their lives where they held themselves back from what they really wanted because they were afraid they wouldn’t measure up; this story is a great way to open discussions around this valuable life lesson in a basic and appealing way kids will relate to.

Purchase Captain Joe’s Gift! online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Indigo Books.
Captain Joe’s Gift
Captain Joe’s Gift is the third book in the series and teaches children about the importance of being authentic and believing in themselves. Children will discover what happens when Joe uses his ‘thought zapping superpower’ to reveal his special gift. Readers are encouraged to recognize and embrace their own unique traits. This story will leave children feeling confident and proud to share their own special gifts and abilities with the world. It’s a great way to introduce discussions with children around anti-bullying and celebrating our differences.

Purchase Captain Joe’s Choice online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Indigo Books.
Captain Joe’s Choice
Captain Joe’s Choice is the fourth book in the series and teaches children that when we choose happy thoughts that feel good, we set ourselves up to have more happy thoughts and positive outcomes in our lives. Readers will witness Joe’s starring role on the big screen and how his thoughts and choices influence the different outcomes. Joe uses his ‘thought zapping superpower’ to help him reach the end result he wants. This story will set the foundation for children to begin recognizing and choosing thoughts that feel good and boost their confidence in all areas of life. It’s a great introduction to discussions around the cause and effects of our thoughts and choices

Captain Joe’s Teaching Resources
This Teaching Resource Guide is perfect for extending students learning and solidifying the confidence boosting skills presented in the Captain Joe series. This guide is made for classroom use by teachers and can easily be adapted for home schooling purposes or to have some fun activities to do together as a family! The guide includes: 24 different lesson plans based on the 4 books; distinct learning objectives and Assessment Rubrics; a variety of handouts to complement the lessons ; 20 additional resources, including Math Worksheets, Word Searches, Vocabulary lists, and Story Sequence handouts; Comprehension, Word Study and Critical Thinking worksheets for each of the 4 books.
Purchase Captain Joe’s Teaching Resources online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Indigo Books.

The Captain Joe Collection
The Captain Joe Series was designed as a tool for adults to teach children about constructive imagination. The four stories are a fun and interactive way to introduce the concept of “Thoughts Turn into Things, so Choose the Ones that Make you Happy” to young children, ages five to nine years. Joe and his thought-zapping superpower will invite children to use their imaginations to constructively choose thoughts that promote healthy self-esteem and self-awareness. Each of the four stories is designed to teach a key concept. This 108 page full color collection includes the complete text of all 4 books in the series.
Purchase the Grateful Jake Resource Guide online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Indigo Books.
Praise for the Captain Joe Series and Teaching Resource Guide
CM Magazine
“The author is to be commended for addressing what is an extremely important and, at times, (particularly in the past) neglected aspect of education–that of developing students’… self-awareness and self-esteem.”
BC Bookworld
“Despite Degrees In Psychology and business, Emily Madill insists motherhood is the most creative and challenging job she’s had to date. Her series of four Captain Joe books encourages children to cultivate accountability and empowerment at a young age. They are designed to help generate self-esteem by helping children learn conscious control of their thoughts and moods. Captain Joe to the Rescue introduces Captain Joe who employs an invisible ‘thought-zapping wand’ to select healthy thoughts. Captain Joe Saves the Day teaches children to eliminate self-limiting beliefs as Joe saves himself from a swampy pit. Captain Joe’s Gift teaches children about the importance of being authentic and believing in themselves. Captain Joe’s Choice similarly stimulates children to choose thoughts that feel good. The four books are sold together as a set, with a teacher’s guide.”
Sidney Lloyd, retired Primary School Teacher
“The Captain Joe Books are the perfect resource to empower children and build their confidence. Self-confidence is probably the most important thing a child can be given to progress into a successful person.”
Mommy’s Reading Too
“Emily is a mother of two boys which shows that she understands how kids function and think. I liked that the stories were very simplistic in regards to explaining what can sometimes be a a very complex idea for young children, self-esteem. The stories follow a young boy as he learns that he has a superpower, he can turn his dark thoughts into happy thoughts, a superpower that everyone has …. they just need to know how to use it! I read these books with my daughter who is nearing the end of JK and she really seemed to get a grasp that she should have fun and not worry what others will think. She was able to take this very basic concept and place it into her own life.”
Catharine Andrew, Registered Clinical Counsellor
“Although the Captain Joe series was ‘designed as a tool for adults to teach children about constructive imagination’, I have found that in my work, it is also a useful tool for adults. Too often adults block the power of their imagination as a result of conditioned self criticism and not believing in their own worthiness and internal powers.
“A key message that is explored in the series, ‘thoughts become feelings, feelings become actions and actions tell the world who we are’ is such an important life concept for people of all ages. Thoughts, feelings and actions are within our power to change, more than most people think. For many people, (adults and children alike) this concept has never been learned or realized. It is the very thing that impedes happiness and success. Imagine learning this idea when you were young and how this would have changed your life. I have used Emily’s Captain Joe Series numerous times in my work with individuals of all ages. As with all stories written for children, the messages have life long importance.”

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Captain Joe Teaching Resources
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Sam’s Magic Mirror
Grateful Jake