Emily Madill’s Collection of Empowerment Articles

3 Powerful Questions to Honour Who You Are, No Matter What Role You’re In
Here are 3 powerful questions to help you remember your truth and honour who you are, no matter what your role is in life....
05 Ways to Celebrate Life Right Now
In an effort to remind myself to celebrate life without having a specific event or reason, I made this list of ideas to add more celebration in my daily life. Give them a try and see how many new ways and reasons you can find to...
2Celebrating the Launch of Courageous Hearts
Having courage is a moment by moment decision. Sometimes we forget how bold, powerful and courageous we truly are. That’s why I love reading empowering stories from women who have walked the path and who openly share their journey of...
05 Powerful Ways to Change Old Patterns
Whether you have reached a point of burnout, or you are just looking to make some simple shifts in your life — give these practices a try and see how they fit for you...
07 Strategies to Believe in Yourself When it Feels Hard to Do
When You Believe in Yourself, Life Transforms. Here are a few of my trusted practices to ‘believe in yourself’, especially when it feels hard to do....
23 Ways to Be More Mindful with Your Words
Here are 3 practices to help you be more mindful with the words you give life to....
0The Path to Loving the Life I Am In – A Poem About Gratitude
This poem is about choosing to wake up each day and look for the evidence that life is a gift. Our perspective is powerful. Our reasons to be grateful are endless when we give ourselves the opening to see. The Path to Loving the Life I...
0Be A Rainbow of Hope in Someone Else’s Grey Sky
“You are the rainbow of hope in someone else’s grey sky” What might change in your life if you focused for a week, a day, or even an hour, on reaching out to do something unexpected and kind for the special people in your life? You...
0Live Your Divinity Summit
I’m thrilled to be one of the Feminine Wisdom Teachers joining Leading Intuitive Prosperity Coach, Jami Hearn for her powerful master class series: Live Your Divinity: Magical & Spiritual Tools & Strategies to...
03 Awesome Strategies To View Life From A Brighter Perspective
The happiest people make the most of everything I have heard it said many times before that “the happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they make the most of everything.” I’ll admit, my first reaction isn’t always to view...
0Why Tapping into Our Values Helps Us Be More Open-Minded
Do you consider yourself to be open-minded? In this article, you'll receive 6 practices to help you tap into your values and feel more open-minded....
0What I Learned From Participating In A Traditional Sweat Lodge Ceremony
I had the unique opportunity and honor to be invited to a traditional sweat lodge ceremony on the West Coast of Canada. The ceremony took place on a tranquil island tucked in the middle of the Salish Sea. This was my first time...