Emily Madill’s Collection of Empowerment Articles

Emily Madill is an author and certified professional coach with a BA in business and psychology. She is Thrive Global’s Editor-at-Large, has published 11 book titles, and offers 1:1 coaching. Her Weekly Inspiration newsletter is enjoyed by people in 22 countries.

March 18, 2020by Emily Madill

Finding Family Amid Global Emergency

When I reframe this scary time as a time of pause to be with my family, it softens the edge of uncertainty and fear. It’s a time to huddle under one roof to keep our global community safe....

How to Talk Yourself Into a Feel-Good Day - by Emily Madill
March 4, 2020by Emily Madill

How to Talk Yourself into a Feel-Good Day

It may seem counterintuitive, but feeling our best takes practice. I practice. In nitty gritty terms, I set myself up to feel good throughout the day by talking to myself. Out loud. It sounds weird, I know....

Making Routine Work For You
October 1, 2019by Emily Madill

Making Routine Work for You

When we take a snapshot of the whole big picture of our lives, with all the moving parts — we can quickly see where we need and want to add routine in our lives....