Emily Madill’s Collection of Empowerment Articles

Look On The Bright Side
How do you feel when you look on the bright side of a situation? What changes for you when you decide to see others for who they truly are, and stop focusing on their qualities that drive you mad? There is an abundance of light and...
0Appreciating What Is
How much time in a day do you spend appreciating what is before you? Do you notice the magnificence in your surroundings and the people around you? As human beings we are so blessed to have the ability to choose what we focus on and...
0Create Magic in Your Life
When was the last time you engaged your imagination to dream up something really wonderful in your life? We are all creators. Each day we get to wake up is a gift – it is our opportunity to create magic in our lives. We choose...
The natural beauty and power of the ocean can serve as inspiration to stay grounded in who you truly are. It also has a way of evoking gratitude for the many blessings and miracles there are in life. At some point during your life’s...
0The Gift of Taking in Our Natural Surroundings, and Taking a Break from Technology
How often do you take in your natural surroundings? Getting outdoors to breathe in natural beauty is the surest way to experience a sense of calm and knowing that the world is still a good place. Technology has given us the ability to...
0Life is a Story and You Are the Writer
Life is a story and each of us writes our own. How do you write yours each day? The idea that we have creative license in our life helps us to see that life isn’t happening to us. We have a say in how we choose to be on this journey of...
0The Gift of a Regular Self-Care Practice
How often do you consider your self-care? Having a regular self-care practice is more than eating well and exercising. It’s about giving ourselves time and space each day to nurture our spirit and connect inward. Self-care can...
0Dare to Dream
How often do you dream big? We are all on a unique journey, with unique hopes and dreams. We will make some of our dreams come to life and others may lay dormant for a lifetime. Sometimes we may even come to realize the dreams we...
0The Gift of Receiving
How easy is it for you to receive? Whether it is receiving time, attention, gifts from others or from yourself – do you open up to receiving or do you shut it down? For many people (myself included) it can be way more comfortable to...
0Keeping Life Simple is a Choice
How do you spend your time? Does it feel like you never have enough time or that life is overly-complicated? Each of us has been gifted the power to manage our lives however we choose. Sometimes we can lose sight of this. We can forget...
0Have an Adventure – Wherever You Are
When was the last time you went on an adventure? Being adventurous doesn’t always mean travelling the world, climbing mountains or white water rafting. While these kinds of adventures are exciting and definitely lead to a life...
0Adding More Fun to the Day is Easy
What kind of fun do you enjoy each day? Injecting more fun in our day doesn’t need to be something we preplan or find time for. We can have more fun by adopting a mindset that is playful....