Who are you underneath the masks you wear?
We all have a number of roles we take on in life. When we are clear about who we are, our roles become less like disguises and more like opportunities to shine.
When we have a solid connection with ourselves, it’s easier to see and understand ourselves through the ups and downs in life. Being grounded in our truth helps decrease our need to protect ourselves through striving, or hiding behind our many roles.
When we honour our truth, regardless of what is before us, we get rewarded with a sense of inner peace and alignment.
Sometimes we may drift away from ourselves, or forget who we are at our center. Maybe we put on so many masks, the weight of the layers cracked our foundation. Or perhaps life served up more than we could handle and the pressure severed the connection we had with ourselves.
When we come back to our foundation and honour who we are at our core, we begin to mend the cracks that disconnect us from our essence. When we own our truth and light, we strengthen who we are from the inside out.
Our essence has nothing to do with being perfect, it has everything to do with our natural perfection. When we own our full essence, we begin to see and accept ourselves in all of our darkness and light. We begin to notice who we are is so much more than the roles we are in.
Whenever I lose my way under the weight of my many roles, I use these 3 powerful questions to remember my essence and honour my truth. Next time you find yourself at odds with yourself, give them a try and see how they fit for you.
1. Who Am I?
When you ask yourself, “Who Am I? “, it can initially feel like a heavy question. Without thinking, you might immediately start naming off your many roles. I am a mom or dad, sister, brother, wife, husband, teacher, etc. But if you look underneath the question, you can get to the heart of it by naming your essence.
Your essence is the feeling you receive when you feel deeply connected to your truth. It might feel like love, or peace or joy – or whatever word feels right to you.
When you name your essence, you give it power. You expand your essence by connecting to who you are and showing up in your truth in all of your roles.
2. How do I want to feel?
Knowing how you want to feel is extremely important. If you don’t know how you want to feel, but you’re hyper-focused on why you don’t feel great, you’ll loop around the same vicious cycle without an end in sight.
A quick way to stop this cycle is to pause and simply ask yourself: “How do I want to feel?” This simple, yet powerful question will give you valuable insight.
You can continue inquiring with questions like:
What makes me happy?
What do I want?
What essence do I want more of in my life?
Give yourself lots of space to answer the questions for yourself. Knowing how you want to feel helps you move forward in a way that’s aligned with your personal definition of happiness.
3. Am I in alignment?
When you know who you are and you have an idea of how you want to feel, the next question to ask is: “Am I in alignment?” Does who I am and how I want to feel, mirror how I’m being? Am I showing up in alignment in my role right now?
If the answer is yes, then connect deeper to that. If the answer is no, then look at what you can do to bring more of your essence and desired feeling into your interactions and roles. Sometimes it might mean setting healthy boundaries and saying no. Other times it might mean offering yourself more love and compassion. It could be you need to be more compassionate and loving in your roles.
Asking yourself direct questions gives you insight and information that will help you move forward. But in order to be in alignment, it’s important to put your answers into action through honouring yourself in all of your roles.
Honoring yourself means following through with what you know is true and right for you. It’s about staying in alignment with who you are no matter how uncomfortable it may initially feel.
When we honour who we are, we can show up in life without wearing disguises or hiding our truth. Honouring our essence allows us to be who we are and align with what brings us a sense of happiness and peace.
How will you honour who you are today?
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Would you like to feel aligned in a life you love? Come check out my ‘Fall in Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time’ book on kindle and in softcover and hardcover, or explore the different E-Course offerings on my Love Your Life School. It’s a space to create new habits of thinking that will help you fall in love with your life.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, disheartened, stuck, ready to just give up? Is your life crazy busy, but no closer to the life you want to be living?
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The Fall in Love With Your Life, Seasonal Planner guides you step-by-step to dream big, then create an action plan, broken down into micro-steps. With the Weekly Snapshot, you’ll map out the coming week centered around YOUR priorities.
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It’s a bit of heaven for busy women. You’ll feel more in control, more hopeful, more alive.
And…if you want an extra boost, sign up for the 3-month virtual support — a live weekly planning session to help keep you on track offered 3 times per year. Together on a Zoom call, you’ll spend 20 minutes focused on the week to come, setting your intention, and filling in your daily planner. If you want, continue with the optional Q&A coaching session that follows. Or come check out my Love Your Life Weekly Planning Monthly Membership – A Heart-Centered Feminine Way to Organize and Be in Time.